If you feel as though those tips were not enough and you want some more suggestions before making the big step of telling your spouse, Divorce Aid also has tips to help you tell you spouse. Divorce aid states, "You may think that you both believe that the marriage is over. Be careful. This could still come as a complete shock to your partner and the way you communicate this decision will pave the way for future discussion during the separation or divorce process". These tips include, "choosing a time carefully", they suggest to pick a time when you will not be disturbed. If you have children make sure they are with a close relative or friend. Next, try to speak slowly and calmly. They state that shock may set in, therefore you will probably need to quietly repeat your decision to your partner several times. If you have children they suggest to try to agree on immediate concerns about the family's welfare and most importantly agree about telling the children together.
My suggestion would be to make sure you are clear on your decision before you decide to bring divorce up to your partner, and if your not sure don't tell your spouse you want a divorce but let them know how you've been feeling, you may be able to prevent a divorce. However, if you are one hundred percent positive that you want a divorce, just remember to consider your spouse's feelings when you tell him or her. (Image Source) For more information on how to tell your spouse you can visit, divorce resource and family law software. GOOD LUCK !!!