In an interview on CBS Dr. Phil says theres good news. In the interview Dr. Phil states that not only does he "believe that there is someone out there for everybody he says he can help you find Mr. Right". It is all discussed in a book he wrote titled "Love Smart: Find The One You Want ... Fix The One You Got." The main points in helping you find Mr. Right include, first, starting with a plan. He says if you want a relationship you have to "go at it with a plan". Secondly, make the first part of your plan to "love yourself". Don't try to be someone else to impress any man, love yourself for who you are. He says, "If you wouldn't date you, nobody else would date you". Third, determine your personal truth. Don't necessarily set standards just decide what you deserve and then "generate results that are consistent with that". Fourth, get to the point early. Ask all the questions you want to know. Lastly, create a personal sound byte. By this he means, "be able to say who you are in 20 seconds or less".
Personally, I don't know if I believe that theres someone out there for everyone, but I do believe you will never know if Mr. Right is out there if you don't get out there and look. I agree with Dr. Phil's steps especially when he says to decide what you deserve and don't settle for less. I do believe in true love because I believe I've found true love so anything is possible and with that, I say with time you can and will find Mr. Right, yea its hard for some and easier for others but all great things come with time so don't give up... 
Top Image from Flickr
Bottom Image is me and my fiance
Your article is on the money, I totally agree with Dr. Phil on all his points. Great picture of you and your honey.