Marriage does not have one specific definition, not everyone may view marriage the same but many people can agree that for a marriage to work both spouses need to trust, respect and love one another. Having grown up in an era of rapidly growing technology I have asked myself, is all this technology making it harder to simply trust your spouse? Or do we feel that we need to spy and check our spouses every move. This seems to be the case nowadays. In an article in the
New York Times, it is stated that technology such as blackberry's, computers, and tracking devices are transforming divorce in the 21st century. In almost every divorce case nowadays there is some form of electronic evidence. Imagine being happily married and changes in you wife or husband begin to occur that lead you to believe that your wife/husband is having an affair, so you easily check their email, place a spy ware on their computer and find out that your wife or husband has been having an affair for 11 months. These types of situations are more common than imagined.
Another part of technology that is leading to many divorces is not just being able to spy on your spouse but the unlimited access married couples have to have an affair. In another article in the
New York Times, it discusses dating services such as Ashley Madison designed specifically for married people who just want to "have a fling". According to the article, the founder of Ashley Madison claims that "by lowering search costs for affairs, he enables people in unhappy marriages to stay married". Is that the case? or are websites such as these enabling divorce.
Having been with my fiance for 9 years now, I hope that this new wave of technology does not affect our marriage in any way. Can we over come this technological era where spying on each other is as easy as checking each others computer and an era where people encourage and make it easy for married couples to have flings? Lets hope we can!!!
(Image from
I wish you two the best of luck! My parents are going through a divorce right now and it's pretty rough. I think that technology might be ruining some couples, but I think it's based more largely upon the relationship the two individuals have and what they are going through. I'm pretty new at this, but I'm trying my best.