Although these are wonderful tips I had to make sure different people felt almost the same way (because no one person and no couple is the same). Ezine Articles also has a 10 ways to prevent divorce article and there advice and prevention tips are not the same as those in Divorce Magazine. This article suggests, to first accept that you and your spouse are not the same person. Take the time out to get to know each other again, many times couples will lose each other in the "busyness" of life. Then take the time to look at yourself, they pose the question "would you marry you?" don't just blame your partner for everything. When you argue take that argument and strip it down to its core, because maybe you can find a way to avoid that argument next time. Sit down with your spouse and come up with new and exciting things to do to spice up your relationship. Create a "couple" tradition, kind of like a family tradition but just for the two of you, this may serve as an anchor when times are getting rough. Try and find ways to rekindle your romance. Communicate, if you want your spouse to know what you're feeling you have to talk. Concentrate on the things you know you can fix and don't try to fix the things you know you can't. Lastly, if you feel you have to seek professional help do it with a positive attitude.
Hopefully these tips can help you try and save your marriage, take a look at the tips that stand out to you and try them. The reason I gave two examples is to show that no couple is the same and what might work for some may not work for others; you can even try and combine a lot of these tips. If you are not married yet, but your are interested in learning how to make your future marriage last, you can also look up information on Premarital Education . As I stated before, if you see that your marriage is headed towards divorce don't give up, preventing it is possible as long as you try...

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