"When times get tough, the tough stay married". After wondering what will happen as the recession continues to linger I came across a blog titled Divorce and the Recession, that stated "One logical outcome would be an increased reliance on mediation and collaborative divorce which can radically reduce the legal costs and increase cooperation enabling the family to get use of their resources efficiently". Honestly, I just see this as a financial resolution, I feel this "logical" outcome is a good one and people need to try and work at whatever they can in their marriage to lesson the anxiety and stress, which can be extremely beneficial not only for themselves but for their children and any loved ones around them, as well. However, I think that any time a couple stays together for financial reasons, and does not try to work on the root of why they want to divorce in the first place, will eventually get divorced; its just a matter of time. Nothing today is easy and the recession makes everything just that much harder but if it is keeping you from divorcing try and make the best of what you have....

Top image from flickr
Bottom image also from flickr
I guess it makes perfect sense that durring this economic decline more marriages will probally be saved, especially those close to failure. It's amazing how it's always the negative that brings us together, to talk things out and come to agreement. Marriages after all are not perfect, and while i don't believe in the institution of marriage, if you tend to make that commitment before your god, family and friends then more power to you. I believe it is estimated that over 50% of marriages fail, perhaps we should be in reccession often, it breaks my heart to see family break up, especially when there are children involved.